What is a hyperlink and how to use a hyperlink




Hyper linking

(Creating a link to another page/document/website etc.)

Create a hyperlink to another page on site

1. Select what you want to have linked (text or image) and highlight

2. right click and select insert/edit hyperlink

3. select Page on this site from the drop down tree: (search through pages to find the page you would like to link too)

4. in the Open In: drop down menu select Same window

5. Click insert - You will now see the text color change and underline.


Create a hyperlink to a different website

1. Select what you want to have linked (text or image) and highlight

2. right click and select insert/edit hyperlink

3. insert website address in URL

4. in the Open In: drop down menu select: new window drop down

5. Select insert - You will now see the text color change and underline.


Link to a document (.pdf,


1. Select what you want to have linked (text or image) and highlight

2. right click and select insert/edit hyperlink

3. Scroll down on the left column of the file and image manager window and select [documents]

4. Search through the document folder until you find the file you want to link too.

7. Select file

8. in the Open In: drop down menu select: new window drop down

9. select insert- You will now see the text color change and underline.


Resize pop up window.

1. Select what you want to have linked (text or image) and highlight

2. right click and select insert/edit hyperlink

3. click the window options button (next to Open in: New window)

4. Modify the width and height of the pop up window. (This is also where you would add the additional options for the window, such as scroll-bars by selecting them.)

5. click OK

6. click apply.





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