How do I create a basic form in ShoutCMS?

Create a Basic Form

General Description:

Forms are a great way to have your site's viewers get in touch with you in an easy and manageable way. Form submissions are stored and organized in ShoutCMS and notifications are sent via email to the address of your choice.  


A basic form does not add the submitter into your Contact database, however you can obtain the information you require from the user.


  • You must first create and configure a Form before placing it on a page. 
  • Forms appear below your content. 


Action Steps:

  1. Click on the Form icon from the home page.
  2. Click on the Manage Form tab.
  3. Click orange Add Form button.
  4. Enter the Name of the Form.
  5. For each field in your form, enter a label, select the type of field (functionality), and check if it is required. Here are choices of field functionality available:
    Short Text Box : One line of information available to the user to fill out.
    Long Text Box: Multiple lines available for user to enter.
    Multiple choice drop down: User can select more than one answer.
    • Enter the option label.
    • Click add for additional options.
    • To reorder options, click and drag up or down.
    Single choice drop down: User can select one answer from a drop down menu.
    Radio Button: User can select one option using a button.
    f. Checkbox List: User can select more than one choice using a checkbox.
    g. Time: User can enter date.
    h. Captcha: User has to enter code in image box as security.
    i. Content block/Separator: Used to insert information in the form, as well as to break up form sections.
  6. Repeat step until all fields in form are created.
  7. Create thank you message that will be displayed after the user completes the form.
  8. Enter email address of whom should receive notification that form has been submitted.
  9. Click Save



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