How to create and modify a form



* Note you must create a form before adding it to the page. Each form may be customized for different results.


** In order for client information to be retrieved and saved under your contact group options you must use 1 of the Sign up Form options available under Create a New Form and Functionality.  If you try to use any of the other option the user will not be created. The Sign up for is specifically programmed that the data entered in it creates a contact and a user, where a personally created form, with personally created labels does not.





Create a Form


1. Select Forms on the top of the page

2. Click on Forms on the right navigation

3. Click Create new Form

4. enter name of Form

4. click the top Add button

5. enter label name (Name of field of form)

6. select functionality from the drop down menu:

a. Short text box - 1 line of info. for user to fill out

b. Long text box - Multiple lines of info for user to


c. Multiple choice drop down - user can select more

than one answer

d. Single choice drop down - user can select one


e. Radio Button - user can select one option

f. Checkbox List - user can select more than one


g. Time - User can enter date

h. Captcha - User has to enter code in image box (Like


i. Content block/Separator - use to insert information

in the form, as well as to break up form sections


j. Sign up form

 Allows for quick sign up (first name,

last name and email)

Long sign up (first name, last name, email address,

and address)

Long sign up with user name (Username, password, first name, last name, email address,

and address) to be used in cases where you would like clients to be able to sign in and/ or view certain password protected pages.

7. Repeat step until all fields in form are created

8. Create thank you message (the message user will see after

they complete form.)


9. Create a thank you Email this is optional. This e mail will be sent to the client after they have signed up or made a purchase, depending on what type of form you are creating.


10. Select post sign up Contact Group. A group into which you would like to save all the client information in.


You must select a group, otherwise the page will not save. ( If you have not created a Contact Group please see how to do that under the Contacts instructions)

11. Enter email address of whom should receive notification

that form has been submitted

1. Hit [save]



Add form to a page

1. Create page to add form to (see add new page)/select page to append form to.

2. Select Additional Options

3. Select append a form

4. Select the form you would like enabled from the drop down


5. Click save


Form Submissions

*Note that this form Submission is also visible on the Home (front page) as you first log into the back end of your site.*

1. Select Forms on the top of the page

2. You will automatically come to the submissions page.

3. Select view next to the form you would like to review.


Modify Forms       

Select Forms on the top of the page

2. Click on Forms on the right navigation

3. Click Modify on the side of the form you need to make changes to


4. Make changes


5. Click Save



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