Adding / modifying a new group


*Note- that the Contacts option is also visible on the Home (front page) as you first log into the back end of your site.*




Add a new Group:

  1. Click contacts (on the top navigation next to store)
  2. Select [add new contact group]
  3. Enter the group name.
  4. Select the default security level. (if they people in the group should be able to login to the client area select client area)
  5. Click save.


How to modify a group:


  1. Click contacts in the left column under contacts.
  2. Find the group name that you want to modify (don't select the group name)
  3. Click modify (at the end of the row)
  4. Make changes to group.
  5. Select save.


Add a new administrator:


  1. Click on the contacts icon
  2. Click on the group you want to add them to (staff/administration etc.)
  3. Click "add a new contact"
  4. Enter their information (name, email address, address, etc.
  5. Create a username and password for them (they can change this later) and click the check box next to send contact welcome message
  6. Under groups select 1.staff click >>
  7. Under contact identifiers click administrator, click >>
  8. Click save contact information


Add a new contact:

  1. Click on the contacts icon.
  2. Click on the group you want to add them to (staff/administration etc.).
  3. Click "add a new contact".
  4. Enter their information (name, email address, address, etc.).
  5. Create a username and password for them (the can change this later) and click the check box next to send contact welcome message.
  6. Under groups select any other groups the contact belongs in.
  7. Under contact identifiers add any that contact belongs to.
  8. Click save contact information.



Create custom security
(only for editing pages):

  1. After creating a client, click their name in the list to modify their profile.
  2. Above the profile, click the tab named security.
  3. Select the modules they can edit (example pages, or comments, news articles etc.).
  4. Click save.



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